Can you still enjoy your variants of coffee without cow milk? Many people are going vegetarian and are always looking for alternatives that would still make them enjoy their delicious and creamy lattes and cappuccinos.

But it is not just vegetarians that are rapidly switching to plant-based milk. Known for its incredible health benefits, many people now prefer to ditch dairy products altogether.

If you’re a coffee drinker, you want to be sure that your plant-based milk will still be able to provide you with creamy and foamy nourishment.

A popular milk used by vegetarians and others alike is almond milk. One of the reasons almond milk is trendy among vegetarians is that it has a relatively higher fat content than other plant-based milk. Moreover, almond milk is low-calorie, gluten-free, and has high protein content.

Almond milk has thus gained a lot of popularity with coffee drinkers and is one of the most popular companions on the coffee table.

The immediate question is: can you froth almond milk? Yes, you can, and we’ll be looking at the best methods below.

But first, what is almond milk, and how is it made?

Almond milk is made by soaking almonds in water for about two days and then blending them. The procedure then involves separating the pulp and adding sweeteners and other substances.

Just like with all “alternative” milk, it is not always relatively easy to get that perfect thickness to make a latte. Almond is also not a naturally frothing milk because the composition itself contains a lot of water.

However, don’t be discouraged, as there are steps to take to get the perfect cup of coffee with your almond milk.

What Makes Perfect Froth?

What Makes Perfect Froth?

Or, can we start with what a froth is and why it is essential to make a perfect one?

If you want to make a cappuccino or latte, you need your milk to be textured or frothed. If the milk isn’t foamed, you won’t get the desired drink you want.

Froth or frothed milk is simply a process of adding air to milk, thereby creating bubbles. This procedure is necessary for achieving a specific creamy texture for the drink.

The foam also achieves aesthetic appeal for the drink, thereby making it more valuable.

So, what makes a perfect froth?

It is expected that a perfect froth should produce a fluffy and dense foam. When we froth milk, it forces water vapor into the milk through heat. It’s a chemical reaction in which the proteins in the milk, when heated, create bubbles by interacting with the air around it.

Because of the unique nature of proteins, each molecule is attracted to water at one end and repelled at the other end. This creates a balance that allows the bubbles to remain in equilibrium on the surface.

This also means that the more protein in milk, the better the froth that can be achieved. Plant-based milk has a lower protein content, and it’s often a challenge getting that perfect fluffy foam needed to make a great cup.

Heat plays an essential role in achieving the perfect froth, but you can use a milk frother to accomplish the perfect froth. You add texture to your coffee when you have the perfect froth and transform it completely.

The perfect froth can be added on top of the coffee in a way that only a froth can. And no, froth doesn’t affect the content of the milk. Having your coffee with milk that isn’t frothed gives a flat texture. So, add some excitement to your cup with frothed milk.

The good news is that your favorite almond milk can be frothed for your cappuccinos, Mochas, and lattes.

Can Almond Milk be Frothed?

Can Almond Milk be Frothed?

You love cappuccinos, but you don’t want cow milk. You can’t have a cappuccino without froth. Wait a minute, can almond milk be frothed?

Absolutely! You can enjoy your coffee with almond milk, achieving the foam and texture you’ve always wanted.

Almond milk is made from blending almonds soaked in water. At the end of the day, most almond bowls of milk contain as much as 98% water. This means you won’t be able to froth almond milk as quickly as you would cow milk, which is higher in protein content. But, it is still achievable.

Frothing involves heating milk. It is a chemical reaction that we summarized earlier. When you do it up to certain temperatures, milk will foam.

However, you must be careful to only heat to specific temperatures, beyond which it would become counterproductive and break down the proteins. This would reduce the foam and kill any creaminess left in the milk.

Usually, you should heat the almond milk without letting it boil, and the best temperature to achieve this is at 150°F.

Also, the quality of almond milk is essential. It is necessary to always froth milk as fresh as possible. Almond milk that is stale or close to expiration is not always easy to froth.

Best Way to Froth Almond Milk

Best Way to Froth Almond Milk

Now, you know almond milk can be frothed. You also know you shouldn’t heat it beyond 150°F, or it will become flat. So, how do you best achieve frothed almond milk?

Let’s look at the easiest ways to achieve this.

Using an espresso machine steaming wand

You can easily froth your almond milk at home if you have an espresso machine. Here’s how.

Pour the almond milk into the milk jar and heat it using the attached steaming wand. You’ll need to stir the milk with the pitcher to heat it evenly.

Make sure you hold the tip of the wand to the pitcher’s side in the milk. As you move the pitcher, you introduce more air which allows the bubbles to become smaller and double the size of the milk.

Your almond milk should be frothed by then. You can quickly achieve frothed almond milk at home with this method.

Using a Handheld Frother

Hand-held frothers are battery operated and are another easy way of frothing almond milk. Once the milk is in the jar, insert a frother into it and turn it on. You move the frother around the milk until you notice the apparent changes.

After about thirty seconds, move the frother around the jar before turning it on for another thirty seconds. You can then microwave the milk for about thirty seconds, after which your frothed almond is ready to add to your coffee.

Using a microwave

This is a straightforward way of frothing almond milk. Although it is believed that this method may not produce as much foam as required and is ideal if you don’t have a lot of time to spare.

Pour the almond milk into a sealable jar and shake vigorously. Naturally, you’ll see some bubbles after shaking for about 15 seconds.

Then transfer the jar into the microwave oven and heat for about half a minute. Remember, it shouldn’t boil. After heating, the foam should form nicely, and you can then add it to your coffee.

Another method is to use a saucepan. This is ideal for those who don’t have an espresso machine.

Using a Saucepan

If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can still froth almond milk. To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it gradually. You may need a thermometer if you’re doing this for the first time to ensure you don’t exceed the 150°F temperature.

You’ll need a hand frother to stimulate the froth until you achieve the desirable foam.

What About Other Non-Dairy Milk?

What About Other Non-Dairy Milk?

Almond milk is not the only non-dairy milk that has been incorporated into coffee and other beverages. Others include soy milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, and spelt milk.

They can all be frothed as well, although with several variations. For example, soy milk can only be frothed after heating, but almond milk may foam before heating.

Non-dairy milk is ideal because it has greater health benefits; although the protein content is low, it requires more effort to produce the desired texture. However, they all can be frothed as well.


If you’re yet to use non-dairy milk like almond milk for your coffee, it’s not too late to start. All over the world, people are switching to plant-based food, not just for its health benefits but for its ability to help in achieving climate sustainability.

One of the favorite non-dairy products used in the production of Cappuccino and latte is almond milk. Interestingly, you can froth it in simple, easy methods. It’s the best of both worlds.


Last Updated on June 18, 2022 by Ashok Parmar


My name is Ashok Parmar, and for seven years, I worked as a warehouse manager that strictly dealt with coffee shops all around the United States.

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